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Generally, Pinoso’s website, Pinoso Sportshoes SL may be visited without providing any kind of personal or private data such as an email address. However, our web servers automatically detect the IP address and the domain name used by the user. All this information is registered in the server log file which enables the processing of data in order to obtain statistical measurements that allow us to know the number of visitors to the website, etc.

We occasionally collect personalised information from the data provided by the visitors to the website or our customers. In any case, Pinoso Sportshoes SL commits to comply with the current regulations on data protection and treatment required by Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection of 13 December.

The registered data may be used in order to enable the normal development of the operation arranged by the user, administer, manage and improve the services offer by Pinoso’s, as well as prepare and offer other services or special offers that may be interesting for the user in the future. Likewise, they may be used in order to carry out statistics and send commercial or promotional information related to these services, among other activities.

The details that the users provide as a result of the use or request for the different services offered through the website they access to through the main address, among others, will be subject to automatised treatment and incorporated to the corresponding file whose responsible party is Pinoso Sportshoes SL with registered office is at Calle Ocho de Agosto, 14, 03650 Pinoso – ALICANTE, SPAIN.

At any time, the user may exercise the rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose to the collected and stored data of his/hers. These rights may be exercised by sending an email to Pinoso’s at or by written communication at the office of Pinoso Sportshoes SL, indicating “personal data” as a reference. When providing personal data may be necessary for the use or request of a service, the users guarantee its veracity, accuracy, authenticity and validity. In this way, it is the user’s obligation to keep the data up-to-date so that they correspond to reality at any particular time.

When the user provides personal data through the request of the services offered on the current website or by sending it by any other means, he/she declares his/her full and unreserved acceptance of the addition of the provided data to the files of Pinoso Sportshoes SL and its automatised treatment, on the terms stated in this document. Pinoso’s reserves the right to modify its personal data treatment and security policy, always complying with the current legislation on data protection, and with prior communication to the interested parties, either by posting it on this same page or in any other page on the website, or by any other means of communication or broadcast which is considered appropriate.


We use the reCAPTCHA service by Google Inc. (Google) in order to protect the data sent through the forms on our users’ pages. This service allows us to differentiate the data sent by people from automatised messages and involves the transmission of the IP address and other data required by Google for the use of the reCAPTCHA service. For this purpose, the data transmitted to Google may be used. The IP address will be encrypted by Google in the member states of the European Union as well as in the states associated with the European Economic Space. Only in exceptional cases will the IP address be transmitted to Google’s server in the United States in order to be encrypted. Google will use this information on behalf of the owner of this website in order to evaluate the use which users make of the service. The IP address transmitted by reCAPTCHA will be kept separate from other Google data. Google’s privacy policy is valid for this data. All the details about Google’s privacy policy may be read on the website

 With the use of the reCAPTCHA service, the user consents to the treatment of his/her data which Google has available in the form and purpose indicated above.

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